Released On 6th Jan 2022
New Year, New Career?
5 January 2022
Somerset residents have the opportunity to build a rewarding career and make a real difference to a child’s life this year.
At the start of a new year, many people re-evaluate their lives and consider making changes – but many are unaware of the variety of paid full and part-time fostering roles available with Fostering In Somerset.
There are many types of fostering to suit the needs of our children and carers. Schemes such as Link Carers and Occasional Care do not involve full-time fostering, with the child coming to these carers for one weekend a month or one evening a week, for example.
Step Forward and long-term foster carers do foster full time. Step Forward carers support children coming out of residential care who may have more complex needs, and receive an average income of £773 per week.
Fostering is a rewarding role, offering ongoing progression and further opportunities for those looking to build a career. There are no required qualifications, what matters most is the qualities a person has.
Foster carers receive a weekly fee and allowance which varies depending upon the type of fostering they offer and the age of the child or children in their care. They also receive additional payments for birthdays, Christmas and school holidays, as well as milage payments.
In addition to the financial support offered, foster carers are also assigned a dedicated supervising social worker, who will work with them to offer support and guidance throughout their fostering journey.
Fostering applicants need a spare room in their home, and must be at least 21 years old, with no upper age limit.
“Fostering is incredibly rewarding. Our foster carers make a real difference to the lives of vulnerable children in Somerset, but it’s really important people consider fostering for the right reasons. You need to be committed to improving the lives of our young people by supporting them, and helping them to achieve their full potential,” said Councillor Frances Nicholson, Lead Member for Children and Families.
There’s a particular need for carers for teenagers and children over the age of 10 – and there’s a wealth of information available on the Fostering in Somerset website with information ranging from training to allowances.
To find out more visit fosteringinsomerset.org.uk or call 0800 587 9900 and speak to our friendly team. Making an enquiry comes with no commitment to explore fostering further, so people interested now or in the future are encouraged to get in touch. You can also follow us on Facebook @fosteringinsomerset or Twitter @fostersomerset